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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Walking by Faith & not by Sight

Have you ever had a time in your life when you did not know the outcome of your hard work? Or when you are truly walking the narrow path by yourself?  I am definitely at the point in my life. I have been working so hard this semester at KNUST and I just hope and pray my finals exams are able to demonstrate the knowledge I have obtained within my courses.
It seems like every day I am learning something new about myself as I walk in faith. I have learned to stay focus on the most important things in my life which is my spiritual life, academics, and well being. I have notice that is very easy to not be focus rather than stay focus. I have also learned that while going through a stressful time in your life you can be your worst enemy or best friend. Since I truly know what I want the outcome of my future to hold I am discipline on myself to have no regrets in life but sometimes that can is not the best. Sometimes you can criticize yourself more than motivate yourself which leaves you not in the best predicament.  
I have also come to the realization that in life you never know how the cards are going to be dealt. I know I have always wanted life to go smoothly with perfection but life is just the opposite. Or I would like accomplishing goals to not be tough but they are tough. Going after your dreams and living a righteous Christian life is not always the easiest life but the best life. Life narrows down to having the courage to continue striving in life when things are not working accordingly how you would like. Many days I refer to the movie Pursuit of Happiness as a motivation. I also come to the point of having only positive expectations, doing all I can and standing with confidence in God, adapting to change to make the best of every situation, and keeping a smile no matter what.
Everyday seems to hold bizarre situations where it seems my faith is being tested. Things seem to happen just to see what my reaction is going to be when things are not meeting my expectations. I am glad that I see life at a better view and I am learning how to deal with all situations and people from all walks of life. In my life I have been praying for various things and they seem to be falling in place but there has definitely been some tests of faith that have came my way throughout my journey in Ghana.
The next two weeks consist of taking finals exams for my courses. I will definitely be busy until I leave Ghana on December 18th. I am excited to go home and spend the holiday season with my family. There is no place like home but there are some things you can only learn while being away from home. 

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