Enjoy your visit and spread the word on studying abroad to wonderful countries.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Wonders of Studying Abroad

My time in the Motherland is coming to an end. I have exactly one week before I leave to head home to spend the holidays with my family. I would like to take this time as an opportunity to promote my peers to study abroad.
In college there are individuals who motivate you in different ways. My freshmen year in college at orientation there was one gentleman whose motivation has stuck with me thus far in my college career. He explained that if you start college and finish and do not grow as an individual you have wasted your money and time. This quote leads to say make the most of the great opportunities available to you in college. As human beings we grow through experiences. Different experiences in life are also a way to defining yourself and learning in general. I can personally say that personal growth has the opportunity to skyrocket if you seek and obtain a study abroad experience.
 If you have an interest in studying in another country seek your schools office of international affairs. Individuals will be available to express all the great opportunities available in various countries for different amounts of time. For instance you can spend as little as two weeks up to a year studying abroad. As well as studying in another country you can work as an intern, co-op, or even do research. In addition to obtaining information from your schools international office you can search the internet of countries of your interest. Make sure the country you seek to study seems to fit you and is a place you have an interest in living for duration of time. Students who have previously studied abroad can be very helpful when seeking to learn more details about the country you have interest in living. The experience in itself has the opportunity to be life changing with a positive impact in your future.
When you are in a foreign environment and your background is different than the next person a great adventure lies ahead, you have the opportunity to learn about a different cultural of people, different foods, various languages, and a different way of living life. When you only know one way of living that typically leaves you one dimensional but when you obtain an experience that shows you another way of living you can add dimensions to life. Reading and watching documentaries about others countries only can expose you to so much but actually experiencing things personally is phenomenal.  
If I can be any assistance in helping you or someone you know who has an interest in studying abroad I can be contacted at Shanaya.johnson9@gmail.com.
Have a fruitful weekend.

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