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Friday, December 24, 2010

Getting Back to My American Life

On December 17, 2010 I traveled from Kumasi to Accra then flew to Atlanta, Georgia. Once I arrived in Atlanta and traveled to Flint, Michigan I had been traveling for approximately 30 hours. When I left to go to Ghana boarding the plane was simple as if I was boarding to travel to another state but when I prepared to board my plane to come back to America I had to go through several security checks to finally board my flight home. The flight was great I was able to sleep, watch movies, and meet some interesting individuals to pass the time of the long flight. Everyone was from different places and had interesting things to talk about. As the plane touch down on Atlanta’s runway I called my mom and dad first to tell them I made it back to the US. Then I was able to call my boyfriend that I have not been able to talk to on a phone since August nor Skype in several months due to slow internet connection. It was great to hear the voices of the people I love.
Once I arrived to Atlanta and went through another security check I was able to smile and say I have made it to my homeland. At this moment I was smiling corner to corner. It was great to see McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and all the other stores in the airport. I could talk and people understand everything I was saying no matter how fast I was talking. Time was moving and it was time for me to board my next plane to Detroit, Michigan. Most time my planes from Atlanta to Detroit are small but this plane was of great size because once it left Detroit it was heading to Hong Kong. The diversity on the plane was a site to see. I slept the entire way to Detroit and had an hour layover before boarding my next plane to Flint, Michigan.
My family was eagerly waiting on me to arrive and we were celebrating my arrival over dinner that evening. The flight from Detroit to Flint took roughly 30 minutes and we landed smoothly on the snow covered ground. As I walk through the airport and down the escalator I was able to meet with my mom and sister. It was great to see my family after months apart. Since I was changing weather climates drastically my mom came with my wool coat and boots so I would not freeze in Chuck Taylors and an Aeropostale sweat shirt. It was a great feeling to leave the airport with my bags and see the landmarks of my hometown.
My family and I ate dinner at our favorite restaurant Olive Garden. I was able to enjoy Chicken Alfredo, a virgin strawberry daiquiri, and endless breadsticks. After dinner my mom drove home and it was definitely great to pull in the drive way and open the door to the place that is my home. I think about times growing up and wanting to travel away from home now it just the opposite. It seems like my last week in Ghana I was telling myself “I Just Want to Go Home” and now I am at HOME.
Over the course of the week of being home I have visited family and friends and enjoyed the simple things in life. The first few days consisted of me only going to church and putting my brother on the bus to go to school. By the middle of the week I had made my way to some stores and I enjoyed every moment of shopping for odds and ends. My first movie was to see Yogi Bear with my brother. It was great movie I definitely remember watching the cartoon growing up. I have also been able to open my first Christmas gift and it is phenomenal. It is something I will always treasurer and remember all the effort that was put in to it for its creation. Cedric Carter, my love, thank you very much for documenting my entire experience in Ghana in a book format.
As I get adjusted to my normal life it has been cold and I have been off schedule. I have not fully adjusted to the 5 hour time difference. It seems like I am up when everyone is sleep and sleepy when everyone is wide awake. Hopefully when school starts I will be adjusted to the time here. My skin seems to be drying out due to the cold weather. Throughout a day, I frequently have to apply moisturizer to hydrate my skin. Transforming from humid to cold weather is not the easiest on a body. I know over a course of time I will be fully adjusted to the weather and time difference.
I would like to thank you for following my blog over the course of the last four months. It has been great to talk to individuals and they expressed how they enjoyed my weekly posts to this blog. Your positive feedback on this blog has definitely kept me motivated to keep writing each and every week. I hope in the future I have another great experience that will be give me the opportunity to document it in a blog. I hope each and everyone you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Yours Truly,
Shanaya LaChel Johnson

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